Sunday, January 29, 2012

Camo pants

A couple Sundays ago while we were attending church, Vaughn decided the most convenient place to do his "business" was in Sunday school right in the middle of the lesson. Mind you, he has the best sound affects while going "number 2" Lets just say it got everywhere but the diaper, including Brian's white button down shirt. I'm just thankful I wasn't the one holding him during this moment in time. Thankfully as I was cleaning up this mess in the mother's room another mom walked in and saved the day by loaning me a pair of camo pants, since I had nothing to put on him. I have learned my lesson and will now be packing extra clothes every where we go.

I will always remember "that one Sunday when Vaughn was wearing nothing but camo pants in church"


Unknown said...

That reminds me of s story about Brian. We were at a basketball game one time and... have him tell you the story :)