Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend!

My memorial weekend was a lot of fun...even thought I wanted to go camping really bad and Brian ended up having to work. My family always goes camping memorial's kinda a tradition of some sort. But this weekend the weather was a little gloomy so they didn't go...which hasn't stopped us before...considering we have camped in the snow. But anyways...On Friday my mom and step dad Gerald came to Boise and stayed at my apartment. We spent the day shopping and eating and then went to see the movie Indiana Jones that night. Then they went back to Burley on Saturday. Then me and Brian picked up my little cousin Rosa and she stayed the night at my house Saturday and Sunday night. We just watched movies, layed out by the pool, and took a trip to the zoo. Then on Monday, Memorial Day, me and Brian met Jeff, Holly, Wade, and Lauren at Chili's and ate lunch and after that we went bowling at Emerald Lanes. It was a ton of fun. I didn't do a very good job over all but I did bowl two strikes in a row...which I might say so myself...was pretty sweet. Then later on Wade and Lauren came over and Brian and Wade decided to get in the swimming pool even though it was quite cold and about to storm outside...while me and Lauren sat on the side thinking they were crazy for getting in. Then that night me and Brian went to the movies and saw Baby Momma which was funny. It was a great three day weekend and I enjoyed it very much!

Tuesday Tell All: GrAdUaTiOn

I graduated in '06 from Burley High School. Totally crazy that it has been two years already. I agree with some way I feel "old." Which isn't bad because with that comes wisdom. After graduating high school I stayed home for the summer and had a blast spending the late summer nights with my two best friends. Then finally got the courage to move and begin the rest of my life. Even though I would miss my family and my friends. I moved to Nampa and worked at Red Robin for a month until I decided what I was gonna do. And in Feb. of '07 I moved to Boise and decided to take the nursing program at Apollo Collge. And I graduated as an LPN in Feb. of '08.

I am proud of my accomplishments and my family has supported me in every way that they can. Ever since I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a nurse and here I my dream. And I am thankful that I have stayed friends with my girls since high school. We have been through a lot and still remain close. And I am thankful that I have Brian in my life...I couldn't ask for anything more.

Tuesday Tell All: Graduation

I have been graduated for 3 years now! It is so crazy! I really feel like an old person! I can not believe how it has flown by! These past 3 years have been pretty tough for me. When I first graduated I had no idea what I wanted to do. I applied at CSI but I didn't know if I really wanted to go to college or not. I also wasn't for sure if I wanted to go on a mission or not. Things were just really confusing for me.
Graduation was a fun night! Since we had a little high school our ceremony wasn't very long which was good, and I got a bunch of cool presents. Probably the coolest was a trip to Hawaii! My parents gave it to us for graduation and Christmas and it was a blast! The graduation party that night was really fun! I remember playing laser tag, and then we all won gifts out of a drawing. I won a car wash kit, which was pretty cool cuz I liked to keep my car clean and spiffy!
It so weird how much my life has changed since then. Out of my 4 closest friends: Jayte, Adam, Ryan, and Cody, I am only close to 1, and that is probably because we are cousins. I am thankful for the times I had with them and I wish that we still could be close, but I know what happened was supposed to.
I am grateful for where my life has taken me, because now I am engaged to the most beautiful and most awesome girl in this whole entire world. And you know what? I couldn't be more happy then when I am with Sierra!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Wedding invitations

Last Thursday night Brian and I went to Emmett and stuffed envelopes with wedding invitations and put labels on them. It was fun even though we repeatedly did the same thing over and over. I love the way they turned out and am thankful that Holly was able to make them. We will be sending them out tomorrow!