Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Anxiously awaitng for the day you will be here

Wanting to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet face

Wanting to look into your sweet eyes

So blessed to spend this time with your life growing inside of me

Watching my tummy grow a little bigger each week

It's a miracle when I feel your movements inside of me

Could hardly wait to see your little body on the ultrasound screen

It was amamzing getting to see the outline of your little nose and hear your heart beat

A blessing from Heavenly father so sweet

Wanting to caress your baby soft skin and hold your tiny feet in the palm of my hand

Wondering if you'll look more like mommy or daddy

Wondering what color of eyes and hair you might have and if you will have freckles and tan or light skin

Wanting to feel your tiny hand wrap around my finger

Waiting for the day we get to meet our sweet baby boy, a day I know will be filled with lots of love and joy!